Mohammad Zeylo Auriza, Citra Antasari


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of product quality and customer value on customer satisfaction and word of mouth in using Telkomsel's Halo card service in Palu City. The objects in this study are customers who use the Halo card in Palu City. The method in this study uses qualitative and quantitative analysis with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis tools as well as suitability tests and statistical tests which are all carried out with the AMOS 16.0 and SPSS 16.0 programs. The number of respondents in this study amounted to 180 respondents with the criteria of Halo Card Users in Palu City and at least 17 years old (assumed to be able to understand each question item). The results in this study are the significant effect of product quality consisting of performance, features, reliability, suitability and perceived quality on customer satisfaction; There is a significant influence of Customer Value consisting of Functional Value, Social Value and Emotional Value on customer satisfaction; Significant influence of customer satisfaction on word of mouth.


Product Quality, Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction And Word Of Mouth

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