Marizki Putri, Rista Nora


Elderly is a natural process that cannot be avoided, runs continuously and continuously. Lack of knowledge about dealing with the new normal period of the pandemic Covid-19can lead to various kinds of speculation about the spread of the Corona virus, causing anxiety that can lower the immune system of the elderly. The purpose of this study was to see the effect oftherapy on reminiscence decreasing anxiety levels and increasing knowledge in the elderly within the face of theperiod of comorbiditiesnew normalCovid 19. The design of this study was a quasi-experimental approach with the "approachOne Group Pre-test-posttest Design". The sampling technique in this study was purposive random sampling, with a total sample of 52 people, the samples in this study were the elderly with comorbidities. The results of this study are that there are differences in the mean before and after being giventherapy Reminiscence, both anxiety and knowledge levels of the elderly. The mean of anxiety before was 2.87 while after being given therapy was 2.00. the average knowledge before 5.06 while after being given therapy was 11.08. after the test statistic paired sample t test  obtained value of p 0:00, which means there are significant before and seseudahtherapy is given Reminiscence to the elderly.therapy Reminiscence is a therapy that can be done either as a group or individually, with the aim of reducing negative behavior in the elderly, and increasing their knowledge.


Keywords anxiety, Elderly,Therapy Reminiscence, Knowledge

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