Roozana Maria Ritonga


Tourism is an industrial sector that is significant in Indonesia. In addition, the diversity of Indonesian culture, making Indonesian tourism has many attractions. This culture can be in the form of art to the customs of everyday life. One of the ways in which the world of tourism preserves culture is by conducting festivals. One of the festivals which is a cultural acculturation is the Cisadane Festival in Tangerang City. The Cisadane Festival was first held in 1993 and is still ongoing today. The Cisadane Festival can even bring in local and foreign tourists. Tangerang is one of the tourism destinations in Banten Province and is ranked as the third largest in the Jabodetabek area after Jakarta. Even Tangerang culture is varied, such as Sundanese, Javanese, Betawi, Arabic and Chinese cultures. The research method uses is descriptive qualitative. Sources of data obtained by observation, interviews, documentation study and triangulation. Data analysis used four stages, namely data collection with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verification and final conclusions. This research discusses ways to develop cultural conservation in the Tangerang area. Based on the results of research and discussion, it shows that the Cisadane Festival Event is able to bring in both foreign and domestic tourists. In addition, this event tourism activity has an impact on the economic value of the Tangerang community, both craftsmen, artists and other business actors. The success or driving factors of the Cisadane Festival include: many contestants, competition participants meet standards, there are no technical problems at the time of the event, participants win or lose can be satisfied, and the Cisadane Festival is included in the Calendar of Events Wonderful Indonesia. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are: preparation that is long enough for at least a month in such as preparation of dragon boats for rowing competitions, preparation for sports competitions, stages, music band equipment, sound systems, lighting, jet skis, hover boards, and UKM stands. From a non-technical perspective, it is more due to natural factors such as rain which may 


Cultural Conservation, Event, Cisadane Festival Tangerang

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