Krisna Surya Narindra, Sudibyo Sudibyo, Lukman Yudho Prakoso


Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel are areas that never subside from conflict. One of Indonesia's foreign policy policies is free and active politics and Indonesia's role in the international arena as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution is "to participate in maintaining world peace", the embodiment of this policy is Indonesia's active role in implementing Global Governance under the umbrella of the United Nations. One of these active roles is that Indonesia is a member of the UN Security Council. Indonesia plays a role in the Unifil Garuda contingent as a manifestation of the implementation of world peace. The Garuda contingent, apart from having to be equipped with military tactical skills for war, must also be equipped with cross-cultural understaffing as a form of soft diplomacy where Indonesia must be able to know the local wisdom of the Lebanese people and be able to convey Indonesian interests in Lebanon. Related institutions have not been optimal in seeing cross cultural understanding as a force that must be prepared. This research uses descriptive method, according to Lukman Yudho Prakoso the phenomena that occur by formulating them through sentences. The conclusion of this paper is the need for a more optimal effort from the relevant institutions to further enhance cross-cultural understanding efforts to understand the socio-cultural conditions of the Lebanese people and introduce the socio-cultural conditions of Indonesia.


Optimizing, diplomatic strategy, Cross Cultural Understanding

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v16i2.1271


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