Yani Riyani, Kartawati Mardiah, Susan Andriana, Desty Wana


The company's business concept shifts from a business based on labor (labor-based business) to a business based on knowledge (knowledge-based business), which is included in intellectual capital. The existence of a business based on this knowledge has changed the creation of corporate value. The company will depend on the ability of company management to utilize the invisible values of intangible assets. This research is a descriptive research in the form of correlation, which involves collecting data to determine whether there is a relationship between two or more variables. There are two variables used in this study, namely the dependent variable and the independent variable. The dependent variable is the company's performance. Company performance is measured using two indicators, namely Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets (ROA). The independent variable is intellectual capital. Intellectual capital in this study was measured by Value Added Capital Employed (VACA), Value Added Human Capital (VAHU) and Structural Capital Value Added (STVA). The population in this study are all manufacturing companies with basic and chemical industry sub-sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2015. The sample used purposive sampling method so that 41 companies were obtained. The result of this research is that the intellectual capital in the manufacturing company has an effect on the company's performance with the magnitude of the influence of 37.8%.


Intellectual Capital, Company Performance.

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