Ika Kurnia Mustika, Suryawan Murtiadi, Ngudiyono Ngudiyono, Tri Sulistyowati


Road maintenance contracting through e-Catalogue has been implemented for several years in several provinces in Indonesia, each with a slightly different framework contract scheme. E-Catalogue is a system developed by the National Procurement Board (LKPP) to display information on providers, products, product specifications, prices, pictures of goods/services products needed by the Government. Inclusion of an item of construction service work based on an framework contract between LKPP, Ministry, or Local Government and the Contractor. The goal is to simplify the procurement process, reduce the redundant provider selection process, reduce administrative costs, and is expected to provide market-friendly or even lower prices. With e-Catalogue, Government Organizations (K/L/D/I) can place orders for construction work to contractors through e-Purchasing, no tender process required. Behind the convenience offered, its application in the field by government organizations are limited and only a small number of contractors are willing to participate. This study aims to identify risk factors in the implementation of the e-Catalogue by conducting a survey to government organizations and contractors that handle road maintenance. Data obtained were analyzed using the method of factor analysis. From the results of the analysis, it is known that the dominant risk factors that influence decision making, namely: the contents of the catalog contract and bargaining position of the contractor, work unit pice calculation, hidden costs, construction work, Government policies, implementation of e-Purchasing, and budget provision


e-Catalogue, factor analysis, road maintenance, framework contract, e-Purchasing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v16i9.1625


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