Heny Kurniawati


Caries is a disease of hard tooth tissue caused by the work of microorganisms in carbohydrates that can be distributed. Caries is characterized by demineralization of email and dentine minerals, followed by the destruction of organic ingredients (Ambarwati, et al, 2010). Dental caries is common in children because children tend to prefer sugary and sticky foods that can cause dental caries.The method used in this research is survey method by using questionnaire and observation. Data collection was obtained from SDN 46 Mataram and conducted by using questionnaire amounted to 7 questions on the students of SDN 46 Mataram to obtain data about sweet and sticky food and observation to know data about dental caries. The number of samples is 25 people with the total population of all third graders 50 people SDN 46 Mataram taken at random. Data analysis used in this research is Univariate Analysis and Bivariate Analysis. Univariate analysis is all variables that will be used in the analysis shown in frequency, univariate analysis to see the frequency of each dependent and independent variable by using the formula. Bivariate analysis is an analysis used to see the relationship between dependent variable with independent variable simultaneously by using statistical analysis of chi-square. In this study, the results showed that grade 3 students of SDN 46 Mataram experienced dental caries because most students consumed sweet and sticky foods every day. From result of calculation of chi - square (X2) got value X2 count equal to 25 and X2 table 3,841. This means X2 hit = 25> X2 tab = 3,841. From the result of the analysis of the table means reject H0 and accept Ha, that is there is a real effect of sweet and sticky food to the occurrence of dental caries in grade 3 SDN 46 Mataram with 92% or 23 people who experience dental caries from 25 people.


Dental Caries, Sweet And Sticky Food

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