I Putu Dharmawan Pradhana, Putu Nova Kusuma Hendra


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, trust in leaders on employee engagement at PT.Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. The number of samples in this study were 75 employees with a simple random sampling method. Data collection used questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, t-test, F-test and test coefficient of determination. The results of the study show that there are positive and partial positive effects of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and trust in leaders in increasing employee engagement at PT. Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. The results showed that the transformational leadership regression coefficient (X1) was 0.268 with a value that meant that each increase in transformational leadership variables could increase employee engagement at PT. Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. Job satisfaction regression coefficient (X2) is equal to 0.303, which means that every increase in job satisfaction variables can increase employee engagement at PT. Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. Regression coefficient value to leader (X3) is equal to 0.256, which means that every increase in the trust variable in the leader can increase employee engagement at PT. Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. As  the results of the determination coefficient of 0.657, its means that 65.7% can explain the model or influence of each variable on work engagement, while the rest (100% -65.7% = 34,3%) is explained by other reasons outside research model.


Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Trust In Leader & Employee Engagement

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