Ari Irawan


The purpose of this study was to analyze the typology and determining factors of the customer community and know the pattern and shape of the product penetration programs and also by the company to the customer community in the three major cities of East Java Province namely Kediri, Surabaya and Malang. The study was conducted over two years using mixed method research with exploratory approach. In the first year of the study have been found typology and determining factors of the customer community as well as the pattern and shape of the penetration of the company products to the community pelanggandi Kediri, Surabaya and Malang through qualitative methods. The results showed that the typology of community background of the formation may be due to similarities community brand consumed, while the pattern of penetration of products in each community can be done without any interference or direct relationship with the company. The shape of the relationship and program product / company in each community can be a) The Company does not undertake any relationship with the community; b) The Company entered into a sponsorship and provide assistance for specific community activities incidental; c) The Company is continuously collaborate with the community to organize joint activities. Based on these results are expected to represent the contribution of community-based enterprise management implementation using Community Based Marketing approach to improve Customer Lifetime Value and its implications on the economy of East Java province.


Community Typology, Community Based Marketing & Customer Lifetime Value

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