Ira Rahmayuni Jusar, Syafni Gustina Sari, Yulfia Nora


Islamic values can be integrated in every learning process, especially in the learning of mathematics so that it can lead students to achieve knowledge (cognitive), understanding and application of Islamic values. In other words, through learning mathematics can be instilled religious values in students. Therefore we need a mathematical learning formula that integrates Islamic values in mathematical topics. The purpose of this study is to produce a valid and practical Islamic learning module based on Islamic values. Mathematics learning module based on Islamic values is validated by 3 experts, overall aspects of getting criteria are very valid with the value obtained is 91.4% for the content quality aspect of 93.3% with a very valid category that is the aspect of presentation quality that is 88.9 % with a valid category and language eligibility aspects score 92% with very valid criteria. Mathematical module based on Islamic values for the practicality stage by students obtained 86.17% results, which means modules with very practical criteria. At this stage of practicality three aspects are assessed. The content quality aspects and the objectives of the module obtained 83.42% results with practical criteria, aspects of technical quality with a value of 84.21% with practical criteria, aspects of learning and instructional quality obtained 90.87% with very practical criteria. Thus the use of mathematics learning modules based on Islamic values for Elementary teacher education students


Mathematics Learning, Fractions, Zakat & Inheritance

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