Kanom Kanom, Auda Nuril Zazilah


The development of community based tourism ideally focuses on community involvement both directly and indirectly in tourism activities. Community based tourism is still underdeveloped at The Mandalika Kuta Lombok. The research aims were identifying and analyzing potency, obstacles, and formulating the strategy and program to be applied in the development of community based tourism at The Mandalika Kuta Lombok. This research applied theory of planning and theory of tourism area life cycle. The data were collected by observation, in–depth interviews, and documentation studies. Data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method, and analysis of matrix SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats).Through interpretation with descriptive qualitative analysis and analysis of SWOT are found that, Community based tourism is very feasible to be developed at The Mandalika Kuta Lombok, with natural, social and cultural potential. Nevertheless, there are several obstacles that hinder them as such; destination management, environmental cleanliness, and institutional capacity. The development and solution of those obstacles are by applied strategies are as follows; strategy of strength–opportunity (S–O) with development strategy of tourism attraction., strategy of strength–threat (S–T) with improvement strategy of environmental cleanliness., strategy of weakness–opportunity (W–O) with promotion strategy of tourism destination., whereas strategy of weakness–threat (W–T) with development strategy of institutional capacity building. Associated the results expected to contribute in formulating planning and strategies for developing community based tourism as a sustainable and competitive. The development has to be a positive impact on the economy of the community.


Community Based Tourism & Development Strategy

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