I Ketut Putu Suardana


The presence of internet brought big changes to the work system and mass media management. Disruption media era was marked by the proliferation of cyber mass media dominated by the media that did not meet the requirements and were not verified by the press council. Other case have also occurred to journalists as reporters and publishers of large amounts of news at the same time without going through the editorial or editing kitchen. This causes a violation of journalistic ethics even though there is a journalistic code of ethics. The existing journalistic code of ethics is blunt due to the large number of violations that have occurred. Such as the rise of lying news, insults, misleading content and so forth. Based on that, the purpose of this study is to find resolutions related to journalistic ethics in the disruption media era. This research method is descriptive qualitative with data sources in the form of books and Vedic centers obtained through literature study techniques. The research data shows that there are many verses in the Vedas, both Vedic Sruti and Vedic Smerti who teach about journalistic ethics as part of mass communication. In journalism activities, anyone should be based on the teachings of dharma. Dharma is an obligation to do good. When dharma is used as an ethical guide in journalistic work systems, there will be no problems in the press field. Journalists who act on the basis of dharma will always spread correct information in a careful and balanced manner without taking sides


Journalistic Ethics & Online Media

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