Rahmatika Desiana, Arief Helmi, Evi Novianti


The presence of a fitness center offers a variety of services, facilities, and competitive prices in the city of Bandung provides a choice for prospective customers to meet their needs and expectations. The unique facilities and services offered by various fitness center providers as an added value in providing customer satisfaction. Also, the fitness center in Bandung city currently has various programs to increase loyalty, one of which is through a membership program. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the loyalty of members of the fitness center in Bandung city. The research method used in this research is descriptive with the nature of quantitative data that aims to test the theory following PLS SEM confirmatory analysis factor. The questionnaire was distributed to 190 sample members in two fitness centers in the city of Bandung, namely Celebrity Fitness. The research hypothesis was tested using SEM PLS factor. The results of the study found that factors such as company image, service quality, and price shape customer loyalty.


Customer Loyalty, Factor Analysis, Fitness Center & SEM PLS

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