Sri Sukarni


This evaluation research aimed to describe the implementation of on the Job training at Fine Art Department Faculty of Culture Management and Business Mandalika University of Education. This evaluation research used Goal Oriented Evaluation Model. Based on the method, data were collected through the steps as follows 1). Identified on the job training’s goal; 2) formulated the indicators of achievement goals have been stated; 3) formulated the data obtained with indicators that have been formulated.  The main goal is divided into sub component goals that is: sub component of goal program, sub component of attitude, sub component of achievement goal program. All indicators in the sub component were analyzed and got mean score 84.53%. It meant that the implementation of on the job training at Fine Study Depatment Faculty of Culture Management and Business Mandalika University of Education was good and the goal is achieved.


Evaluation, On the Job Training & Goal Oriented Evaluation Model

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v14i10.568


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Published by BINA PATRIA | Email: laloemipa@gmail.com

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