Irmayani Irmayani, Imtihanatun Najahah


The process of labor tends to trigger anxiety that causes fetal hypoxia and bradycardia and can inhibit contractions thereby slowing labor. The presence of a companion in providing support to the mother continuously improves the welfare of the mother and fetus and is associated with a decrease in maternal anxiety and influences the outcome of labor, mother and baby. Problems that often occur even though all women have a companion labor, but they does not know their role. Education for a labor companions is not given specifically at the basic service level, so it is necessary to design a basic and simple education model using flipchart media provided at the time of labor is always accompanied by a companion labor. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of  education model design of providing support to a labor companion on labor outcomes. This research is a quasi experimental with posttest only control group design. The sample of this study were 60 maternity mothers was divided into 2 groups: 30 samples as an intervention group that was given education  giving support to a labor companion and 30 samples as a control group that received maternal care from a midwife who assisted in childbirth. The results showed that there was an effect between the design of the education model on the length of labor with p value of 0.034


Education Model Design, Labor Support, Labor Companion & Labor Outcomes

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v14i12.596


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Published by BINA PATRIA | Email: laloemipa@gmail.com

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