saipul alsukri, Mahendra Romus, Asepma Hygi Prihastuti


This research develops and tests the relationship between marketing mix and family with the creation of brand loyalty. The researcher proposes a conceptual framework in which marketing mix and family are related to the dimensions of brand equity, namely perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association. These dimensions are then linked to brand loyalty. This research uses quantitative methods by  distributing  questionnaires  to  208  respondents  with  only  203  valid respondents. Data collection techniques with incidental sampling method. PLS (Partial Least Square) data  analysis  was  used  in  this  study.  The  results  showed  that  advertising,  price,  promotion  of distribution  and  family  intensity  significantly  influence  the  perception  of  quality.  Advertising, distribution intensity and family are also proven to have a significant effect on brand awareness. Whereas the brand association is proven to be only a significant family influence while advertising does not affect the brand association. Brand awareness has no significant effect on brand loyalty, but on the contrary brand association and perceived quality have a significant effect on brand loyalty.


Marketing Mix, Family, Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness, Brand Association and Brand Loyalty.

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