Wina Nurdini Kodaruddin, Sri Sulastri, Sri Sulastri


Assessment is an important part of the social work helping proccess. In the setting of social work with elderly, the assessment is used to obtain in-depth information about the conditions, needs, and problems of the elderly. Any kind of assessment that needs to be done is the assessment of social functioning, including assessing the ability of individuals to be able to socialize and respond positively to each other, carry out social roles, and interact with social institutions. The research method used is a literature review, by examining the trusted sources available in the form of books, scientific journals, mass media news, and so forth to conduct data analysis based on the author's perspective. The implication of social work in this context is to provide an understanding of the importance of carrying out social functioning assessments in an effort to provide better services for the elderly by paying attention to the social interaction of the elderly with their environment


Social Functioning, Elderly, Social Work, Social Worker & Social Services

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