Marizki Putri, Siska Damaiyanti


Drug use is a case that is currently hot to discuss. Drugs do not only attack certain groups but have attacked various groups and do not recognize a person's age, gender, social status or educational level. relapse or reuse of drugs is the most common thing both in the world and in Indonesia itself, this causes a worse impact than before. The prevalence of relapse behavior (relapse) of addicts increases every year 60-80% both in the world and in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to see the effect before and after being given Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Relapse Prevention Training (RPT) on relapse behavior in post-rehabilitation residents, both in the intervention group and the control group. This research was conducted in the City and District of Solok from June to August 2020. The research design of the Quasi Experiment Pre Test Post Test With Control Group, with a population of 40 people, 20 people for the intervention group and 20 people for the control group. The statistical test results of paired sample t test obtained p value> 0.05, while to see the difference between the control and intervention groups using the independent sample T test, with the p value for knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and resident stigma against the prevention of relapse behavior. 0.000. which means that there is an influence between the control group and the intervention group. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Relapse Prevention Training (RPT) can be recommended to prevent relapse behavior in post-drug rehabilitation residents or those who have not been rehabilitated.


Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Relapse Prevention Training (RPT), Prevention of Relapse Behavior (Relapse) & Drugs

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