Tourism in West Nusa Tenggara Province dan Central Lombok regency were developed very increase during 2-3 years in advance. Rural Toursim object have to build innovation and collaborate between the potential of nature, culture and creativity of the local community. Many kinds or rural torism village were develop at Lombok Island and they will compate each others. Lantan Village is one of the innovative rural village atracations need to make cobaloration development of Community Based Rural Tourism. Progres of development of this village will expected to improve quality life of the community, preserve the cultural arts of local communities and conserve the environment in a sustainable manner. Rural Tourism in Lantan Village, has a potential selling value to be a one of tourist attraction in central Lombok, but the reality of this village has not been able to be developed as a professional rural tourism, both from aspects of management, human resources, and utilization of village potential yet. This research result will formulate several alternative strategies that can be applied in the development of Rural Tourism in Lantan Village that is related to the aspect of destination, industry aspect, marketing aspect and institutional aspect.
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