I I Gusti Made Geria Jelantik, Putri Eli Marlina


Oral and dental health of Indonesian is still far from expectation. It can be seen from oral and dental health disease of Indonesian is periodontal and dental caries (Anitasari, 2005). Periodontal is one of the diseases in human life so that public accept this condition as something that cannot be avoided. (Situmorang, 2004). Type of study is analytic observational to know the relationship between knowledge and eat betel on elderly at Loloan village in 2017. This study is cross sectional that is data are taken in the same period. Population of the study is elderly people in Loloan village in the amount of 110, age range 45-48 years old who active eat betel both men and women. Univariate test analyzed individual characteristic. The individual characteristic in this study is education degree, occupation types, age and sex. Based on education degree showed 17 respondents (31.5%) elementary graduate and other 37 (65.%) did not elementary graduate. Occupation types showed 41 respondents (75.9%) farmers and other 13 respondents (24.1%) unemployment. From age side showed middle aged 15 respondents (27.8%) other 39 respondents (72.2%) old. From sex side showed 36 respondents (66.7%) women and other 18 respondent (33.3%) men. Bivariat analysis showed correlation coefficient Kendall’s tau is 0.734, number of observation value N=54 and probability value 2-tailed significance in the amount 0,000. The probability value is smaller from significance level 0,05, it can be concluded that there was a relationship between knowledge and periodontal. Analysis result showed correlation coefficient Kendall’s tau is 0.974 number of observation value N=54 and probability value 2-tailed significance in the amount 0,000. The probability value is smaller from significance level 0,05, it can be concluded that there was a relationship between eat betel frequency and periodontal. Multivariate analysis got the result that there was a significant relationship between knowledge and eat betel frequency toward periodontal on elderly people at Loloan village Bayan district North Lombok regency in 2017. Based on the conclusion, it is suggested to Public Health Center attendant to change public’s opinion about eat betel to make teeth stronger. Increase effort on counseling to public about oral and dental health especially for elderly people at Loloan village.


Knowledge, Frequency And Periodontal.

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