Dewa Gede Bambang Erawan, Ida Ayu Made Wedasuwari


learning is said to be effective if there is active interaction between lecturers and students. one of the interactions that occur in learning is the existence of classroom interaction discourse, which is the level of the sequence of interactions between lecturers and students which is closely related to critical discourse analysis. the effectiveness of the discourse put forward by the lecturer to students really depends on the structure of the discourse presented. based on this, this research is important to do to find out the macro structure, super structure, and micro structure in the discourse of class interactions. the research method in this research is descriptive qualitative. the subject of this research is a speech between lecturers and first semester students of the accounting study program of feb unmas denpasar in indonesian language courses. data analysis in this study uses the milles model which includes three things: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) verification or conclusion. the results of this study indicate that the macro structure in the discourse of classroom interaction is related to the topics raised in the learning process. super structure analysis which consists of the opening part of the lesson, the content part which is the whole conversation in the learning process, and the closing is the conclusion or closing greeting during the lesson. the microstructure analysis of class interaction discourse in this study consists of semantics, syntax, stalastics and rhetoric.


Discourse, Classroom Interaction & Learning

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