Tumini Tumini, Yayuk Indah Wahyuning Tyas


This study aims to determine the effect either simultaneously or partially between the following variables; training, motivation and work discipline on the performance of the employees of Batik Tulis CV Prabulinggih Tegal Siwalan, Probolinggo Regency. This research uses quantitative methods, with the variables used are training, motivation and work discipline as independent variables and employee performance as the dependent variable. The population used by all employees of CV. Prabulinggih Tegalsiwalan, Probolinggo Regency. The sampling technique was saturated sampling because the number of permanent employees was only 50 people. Methods of data analysis in this study using validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and correlation of determination.Furthermore, this study provides results which state that the training variable, motivation variable and work discipline variable simultaneously influence the results of employee performance by obtaining a positive Fcount value of 24,289 with a significance level of 0,000. And when compared with Ftable (3.20), it can be concluded that H1 is accepted. Thus, it is proven that training, motivation and work discipline variables have a positive effect on employee performance. While the test results show that training, motivation and work discipline partially influence employee performance that training (X1) on employee performance obtained tcount = 1.539 with a significance of 0.131 and ttable (2.011) So it can be concluded that and H2 are rejected. Results of motivation testing (X2) on employee performance. From the results of multiple regression analysis, it can be seen that the regression coefficient b1 (0.168) from the regression coefficient b2 (0.245) and the regression coefficient b3 (0.568), means that H3 is accepted so it is proven that work discipline has a dominant influence on the work performance of employees of CV Prabulinggih Tegalsiwalan Regency. Probolinggo.


Training, Motivation & Work Discipline and Employee Performance

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