UMKM GO ONLINE DI ERA EKONOMI DIGITAL (Studi Kasus Distributor PT. Mahkota Sukses Indonesia Di Kabupaten Lamongan)

Muhammad Ardiansyah


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) become mainstay of the goverment to encourage Indonesian economy. According to the Central Bereau of Statistics Republik of Indonesia in 2018, there are 64,2 Million MSE that helps 117 Million Indonesian worker also the contribution of MSE in Produk Domestic Bruto (DBS) is about 57,8% - 60%. MSE is the sector that affected by this condition of COVID-19. Because of many factors like decreased income, work terminator, until many of them are bankrupt. MSE faced hard situation because of pandemic COVID-19. Digital marketing is one of the media that can helps MSE in increasing sales, because this platform has big influence. This research use deskriptive qualitative method to get the data. The data is gotten from the study literature from journal article and news related to the topic, also interview to the distributor from PT. Mahkota Sukses Indonesia in Lamongan. The result of this research show that to increase the sales, the distribur can implement the digital marketing as a marketing media.


Digital Economics; Digital Marketing; MSMEs

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