Muh Yahyaddin, H Hamsu Hanafi, Ni Made Eka Mahadewi, Herman Herman, Muhammad Husni HM, Herry Sastrawan


Lombok tourism industry requires systematic human resource management through MICE education to compete at the global level. The initial strategy needed is to conduct a market feasibility study on the proposed establishment of MICE Study Program. This study aims to explain the various factors determining the interest of prospective students and the perception of tourism stakeholders on the proposed establishment of a Convention and Event Management Study Program at Lombok Tourism Polytechnic. The case study method with a qualitative descriptive approach was applied towards 252 vocational students. The study showed that the interest of students in continuing their studies is perceived high determined by six factors. Furthermore, the tourism stakeholders shows their support for the proposed establishment of the study program. This study is expected to be a fundamental basis in strengthening the competitiveness of MICE in Lombok.


MICE, Lombok, Human Resources, Educational Institution

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Profil Penulis

Dr. Muh. Yahyaddin, M.M., Dr. H Hamsu Hanafi,M.M., dan Herman, SST. Par., M. Par., merupakan Dosen Tetap di Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok. Muhammad Husni HM. MM.Par dan Herry Sastrawan, S.IP., M.Si merupakan tenaga pengajar di Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok. Sementara, Dr. Ni Made Eka Mahadewi., M.Par., CHE., CEM merupakan Dosen Tetap di Politeknik Pariwisata Bali.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v16i5.1397


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