Nanik Widyaningsih


The implementation of a quality latsar cpns background is one of the hopes of the government to prepare civil servants as prospective leaders with moral integrity, honesty, nationalism and nationalism spirit and motivation, superior and responsible personality characters, and strengthening professionalism and competence in their fields. related to that, education and training institutions as organizers of the latsar need to continue to improve in the face of changes that continue to occur so quickly while remaining oriented to improving quality. this study uses a literature study approach. data collection using literature study and fgd (focus group discussion). the respondents in this study were officials at four training institutions in diy. the data analysis using descriptive analysis. the results of the study show that organizational culture factors that cause quality management has not been carried out optimally in training institutions at diy, namely work culture factors, commitment and consistency factors, collaboration factors, leadership factors, and adaptation factors. the transformation of organizational culture that needs to be carried out in improving the quality of implementation of latsar cpns in training institutions in diy, namely the transformation of the identity of the training institutions, the transformation of values and behavior, the transformation of commitment and consistency, the transformation of leadership, and the transformation of the adaptation culture in the training institution.


Quality Management, Organizational Culture, Transformation

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