Analysis of Factors Affecting the Increase in Sales of Eucalyptus Oil in the Traditional Kettle Refining Industry of Buru Regency in the New Normal Era

Firman Gazali Djunaidi, Rahma Satya Masna Hatuwe, Feni Feni Ayu Lestari, A Yusdianti T, M Chairul Basrun Umanailo


The Covid-19 pandemic is a test of the resilience of a nation. In the economic field, the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has developed in such a way and caused a contraction of the global economy. However, the current Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is a blessing for business players in the eucalyptus oil refining industry in Buru Regency. The number of former Covid-19 patients who claim to be cured after using the original eucalyptus oil from the island of Buru has made the price of eucalyptus oil in Buru Regency increase sharply. The price of eucalyptus oil which in January 2020 was still in the price range of Rp.150.000,-/640 ml, now in October 2020 it becomes Rp.250.000,-/640 ml. This study aims to determine what factors influence the increase in sales of eucalyptus oil in Buru Regency. This research is a quantitative research. The data sources in this study are company/refining industry data on production costs, marketing costs and sales volume from January 2019 to October 31, 2021. The data collection techniques in this study used interviews, questionnaires and documentation studies. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis with analytical tools using the IBM SPSS 24 Statistics program. The analytical method used to identify production costs and marketing costs that affect sales levels is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that production costs and marketing costs have a significant effect on the sales volume of eucalyptus oil in Buru Regency.


Analysis of Factors Affecting the Increase in Sales of Eucalyptus Oil in the Traditional

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