I Putu Dharmawan Pradhana, Ni Luh Gede Ningrum Maha Devi, Putu Riko Ardy Pratama


Bali is one of the most provinces in Indonesia which is prosperous in diverse local wisdoms. A society that is viscous with culture causes Bali to become one of the favorite tourist destinations in Indonesia and even in the world. The evolution of technology does not seem to diminish the cultural elements that are part of the activities of daily life. Balinese culture comes from the result of acculturation of Hindu religious teachings with numerous local wisdoms that have been passed down from the Balinese ancestors over the centuries. One of them is Tri Kaya Parisudha, the values contained in the interpretation of Tri Kaya Parisudha are very universal, can be applied anywhere and anytime, not only for Balinese society but also for the global community and not to be limited to social interactions between humans in social life. but it is also very applicable if it can be applied consequently in the world of industry and organizations, both non-profit and business units. NILO Coffee, Masi & Tophat are the Coffee Shopp located on Denpasar serves various delicious food and a very comfortable atmosphere and of course Instagramable with the Green House decoration concept that is emphasized giving a beautiful natural atmosphere. The method used in this study is a qualitative technique with 7 resource persons, namely the Operational Manager and 6 staff who supervise different divisions. The results of this study indicate that the leadership style based on the teachings of Hindu religious ethics has a significant effect on the harmonization of relations between the workers, but the majority of informants asserted that the implementation of the Tri Kaya Parisudha concept could not influence the character because the character had been formed since childhood.


Tri Kaya Parisudha, Characteristics of Generation Z, Harmonization of Relationships, Leadership Style

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