Aan Dwi Sentana, Mardiatun Mardiatun, Pandit D


Asthma management does not directly giving a maximum results fot oxygen saturation to asthmatic patient. The use of bronchodilator can not indicate significant result in the improvement of lung function that is monitored by oxygen saturation value. The result of pre liminary research in Patut Patuh Patju Gerung Hospital from 7 asthmatic patient there are 5 patient (71 %) have under normal oxygen saturation (<95%) dan 2 patient with normal oxygen saturation (≤95%) The purpose is to know influence of diaphragm respiratory practice for oxygen saturation (SPO) to asthmatic patient in inpatient Patut Patuh Patju Gerung Hospital. The research method is used pre-experimental method with program one group pretest-posttest. Total sample taken with 16 people with purposive sampling techique. The results of this research obtained 100% respondents with abnormal oxygen saturation (<95%) before doing diphragm respiratory practice, while after did the diaphragm respiratory practice, 100% respondents have normal oxygen saturation (≥95%) with significant value ρ = 0,000 < α = 0,05 There is a good significant influence for the asthamtic patient after doing the diaphragm respiratory practice. The diaphragm respiratory practice recommende do improve oxygen saturation fot asthamtic patient


Diaphragm Respiratory Practice, Oxygen Saturation, Asthma/Asthmatic

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