Arfiah Arfiah


According to Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) data mentioned that about 28% of teenage girls and 24% of boys within 15-19 years old have experiences in alcoholic and drugs abuse about 2.8%. In prevention program need health services such as posyandu for teenager. The purpose of this research to  obtain the correlation factors of teenager’s interest in participating  of teenage posyandu program in Lena Village. This is  quantitative research with cross sectional approached of analytic method, the total of population is 86 respondents that taken by purposive sampling technique. Data analysed by chi-square test. The result shown that have correlation factors  such as knowledge, famli’s support and posyandu cadre’s support  with p-value<0,05. Meanwhile for uncorrealtion factors is the support of community leaders with p-value> 0.05. The conclusion of research mentioned that knowledge factor, family’s support, and posyandu cadre’s support have  correlation with teenager’s interest in attending to posyandu, while have no correlation the support factor of community leaders with a teenager’s interest in attending posyandu. And the solution that could be done is by providing socialization about the importance of participating in the teenage posyandu both socialization to the community in general and specifically to teenager themselves


Teenage, Knowledge, Family, Community, Cadre

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v15i5.1552


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