I Nengah wijaya, I Nyoman Kanca


Global Tourism Development is a tourism development that includes tourist areas that are in areas that have a strong and attractive attraction to be developed equally and equal to the existing tourist attraction in Bali that has advanced first, and can improve the development and growth of tourism in Bali can also be used to offset the rate of growth and the spread of the population, so that the level of prosperity can be maintained. The development of tourism in Bali so far we know only concentrated on certain areas and regions that cause negative impacts and saturation because it always uses nature and environment, culture in excess, and will affect the level of comfort and security for tourists who vacation in Bali, tourists do not want more long stay because it is not feel the comfort. Every product generally includes also paririsisata products also experience life cycle that is the period of introduction, growth, maturity, and old age. The period of maturity of pruduk is becoming known and favored by consumers where the sale of the product can reach its peak, therefore industry must be able to maintain the product in fulfilling the consumer's taste, then in the old age, this is the last period of product life cycle marked by the decrease of product sales, sales of technological advances, and changing consumer tastes. By using the right marketing strategy to increase sales of tourism products through the media of perikalan, it can increase the visit and length of stay of tourists who come to Bali.


Development, Tourism & Global

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