Sari Novida, Baiq Inggar Linggarweni


Banana blossom is a flower produced by banana tree. Banana blossom usually used as a vegetable. People only focus on bananas as a raw ingredient for various products such as chips, jams, cakes, juices, and others. The development of increasingly advanced culinary business caused by changes in consumer behavior, especially those in the city. Urban communities prefer fast food for reason of the limited-time process caused by their busy work. The objectives of this study are (1) to help the development of banana blossom processing business, (2) to increase the type of processed food based on banana blossom. The methodology used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The object in this study is KUB Mandalika, as it is the only respondent that carries out banana blossom processing in Mataram. This study was conducted for 8 months in 2019. Analysis of problem-solving used was SWOT analysis.Banana blossom contain fiber that can stimulate the  produce of breast milk besides katuk leaves, turi leaves and other vegetables. Uniquely the banana blossom can be processed into several nutritious snack products such as banana blossom chips, banana blossom nugget, and banana blossom meatballs. These three products are produced by KUB Mandalika and not many people know that banana blossom can be used as a tasty and nutritious snack. Pregnant and breastfeeding woman can consume these snacks. KUB Mandalika needs to get  support because the product produced is unique because it uses raw materials from banana blossom which is generally used as a vegetable and is not utilized at all. This product is interesting to develop because of the availability of raw materials and the price is quite cheap


Diversification, Banana Blossom

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v14i2.299


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Published by BINA PATRIA | Email: laloemipa@gmail.com

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