Hadi Prabowo


The organizational culture of Solokanjeruk District, Bandung Regency is not yet optimal. This has an effect on employee performance. This study aims to determine how much influence the integrity of employee performance, the influence of professionalism on employee performance, the influence of exemplary on employee performance and the influence of organizational culture on employee performance simultaneously. The method used in this study is an associative research method or relationships. Collecting data through literature and field studies with observation techniques and distributing questionnaires to all employees of Solokanjeruk District, amounting to 25 people. While the data measurement techniques used by researchers are validity test, reliability test, hypothesis testing such as correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, simultaneous influence test (F test) and partial effect (t test). Based on the results of research and discussion shows that there is a strong relationship between integrity and employee performance that is equal to 0.643, there is a strong relationship between professionalism and employee performance that is equal to 0.662, there is a very strong relationship between exemplary with employee performance that is equal to 0.875, and there is a relationship which is very strong between organizational culture in terms of integrity, professionalism and exemplary simultaneously with employee performance of 8.50. Thus the conclusion that there is a positive relationship. Then in t-test partially, the t-value is greater than t-table (7,738> 2,069), then the hypothesis proposed, "Organizational culture influences employee performance at Solokanjeruk Sub-district Office, Bandung Regency is acceptable".


Organizational Culture, Service & Employee Performance.

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