I Made Ardika Yasa


This research was conducted with the aim of identifying the role of the Department of Industry in empowering household industry entrepreneurs, and to find out the development of the household industry business and to find out the relationship between the role of the Department of Industry and Trade with the development of household industry business in Dopang Village, Gunungsari District, West Lombok Regency. The method used is descriptive method, while the data collection technique is done by survey techniques. The number of respondents from this study were 40 people divided into 6 groups based on the type of business they do, namely snack food entrepreneurs, meatball / soto entrepreneurs, meubleair entrepreneurs, sumil entrepreneurs, wet cake entrepreneurs, and handy craft entrepreneurs. The development of businesses experienced by entrepreneurs in the Dopang Village turned out to be Underdeveloped because of the 40 respondents, 26 of them stated that the household industry in the Dopang Village was in the underdeveloped category and therefore the household industry still needed attention, support and guidance and fostering which is more intensive from the government and related institutions. The relationship between the role of the Department of Industry and Trade with the business progress experienced by entrepreneurs in the Dopang household industry can be known based on the results of research using the Nonparametric correlation test with the Spearman Rank formula and the results obtained Rs = 0.505, thus it can be seen that the role of the Industry Office and Trade is related even though the relationship is not strong to the business progress experienced by the household industry entrepreneurs in Dopang Village. Thus, further research is needed to examine the factors that influence the development of the household industry business in Dopang Village.


Role of the Department of Industry and Trade, Home Industry & Dopang Village

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