Supriyono Supriyono


This study generally aims to determine the relationship of BMI status with hypertension, the participants of the Public Health Management Training at Batam Health Training Center. This type of research is cross sectional with a sample of 92 respondents. Data collection by interview and inspection. Interviews were conducted to find out data about the characteristics of respondents including age and sex. Blood pressure checks are carried out with a sphigmomanometer and stetescope measurements. Univariate analysis was used to test normality using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, while bivariate analysis was used to examine the relationship between BMI status and blood pressure. From the normality and homogeneity test, the result p (normality) = 0.00 <0.05, so to find out the relationship between variables using Spearman Test. Based on measurements of height and weight obtained results, the category of Skinny = 4.30%, Normal = 59.80%, Overweight = 17.40% and Obese = 18.50%. Blood pressure measurement results obtained as follows, blood pressure in the normal category = 69.60%, hypertension = 30.40%. From the statistical test the results were obtained p = nutritional status = 0.128 (p> 0.05). There is no relationship between nutritional status and hypertension. But there is a relationship between systolic and diastolic blood pressure with body weight, BMI and nutritional status ie p (body weight) = 0.003, and p (BMI / U) = 0.002 and p (nutritional status) = 0.008. Then the diastolic relationship is p (body weight) = 0.001, p (BMI / U) = 0.005 and p (Nutritional Status) = 0.020. So it can be concluded that body


Hypertension, Nutritional Status, Weight & Height

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