Epifania M. Ladapase, Chatarina Novianti


This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of verbal abuse and peer concomitance on bullying behavior in adolescents at Virgo Fidelis Maumere Catholic Middle School. The sample in this study amounted to 100 out of 517 active student populations. The sampling technique uses incidental sampling. The scale used in this study is a bullying behavior scale with a reliability coefficient of 0.906 and a verbal abuse scale with a reliability coefficient of 0.851 while the peer conformity scale with a reliability coefficient of 0.863, where the scale was arranged by the researchers themselves. The data analysis technique used to test the hypothesis is multiple regression techniques, using the variable verbal abuse (X1) peer conformity (X2) as a predictor and the dependent variable is bullying behavior (Y). The results showed that: (1) There was a significant influence between verbal abuse and peer confirmation on bullying behavior. this has been proven by obtaining verbal abuse correlation values and peer conformity with bullying behavior based on Fount = 6,441 with P value (Sig) = 0.002 <Sig 0.05. (2) There is no influence between verbal abuse and bullying behavior as evidenced by the value of P value = 0.846 with a level (sig) = 0.360> Sig (0.005). (3) There is an influence of peer conformity on bullying behavior marked by the value of P value = 12.516 with a grade (sig) = 0.001 <Sig (0.005).


ullying Behavior, Verbal Abuse, Peer & Teen Conformity

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