THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE CLASSES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC (Case Study : Students Of The Management Study Program Of Persada Bunda)

Kiki Joesyiana


Online classes are the main means of lecturing process during the Covid-19 Pandemic. No exception for the management economics Department of Persada Bunda College Pekanbaru which utilizes online applications, such as Zoom, Whatsapp groups, Google classrooms, and other application media to carry out the online class process. This research was conducted to find out what the effectiveness of online classes were like for the Management Study Program students of the Persada Bunda Economic College Pekanbaru during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research is a quantitative descriptive study that brought an online survey method via google form. The obtained test results were that the majority of students from the Management Study Program of the Persada Bunda Pekanbaru have carried out the online class process from home using a cellphone / smartphone by utilizing a fair internet data connection. The online class process shows a general picture that the students' understanding towards the material provided was less than optimal and the increasing number of assignments given to students had an impact on the class process which was less effective. Other results show that students are not ready to face the new rule set by the government, "the new normal life" if online classes continue. Another result also show that the effective lecturing system during the Covid-19 pandemic should be both online and offline that are carried out alternately while still paying attention to health protocols in order to prevent Covid-19 from spreading.


Effectiveness, Online Classes, Students & Covid-19

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