Nutritional problems in adolescents appears due to nutritional intake is not good, that the imbalance between nutritional intake with the recommended dietary allowance. This study aimed to determine the effect of balanced nutrition counseling at adolescent girls on the level of knowledge in Islamic Boarding School Penimbung NW. Researchers used an experimental method. The instruments used by researchers in this study is about the test. Treatment was given to 25 students which is a combination of junior and senior high school student. Sampling is done by method, non-probabilitysampling where not all students have the same opportunity and taken by accidental sampling, samples taken are middle and high school students Islamic Boarding School Penimbung NW who come to follow the balanced nutrition counseling in adolescent girls. Data were analyzed statistically tested by Wilcoxon.
The research found that the results of pre-test and post-test detect any difference between the average value of the student prior to illumination with the value of the average student after counseling that is from 33.2% to 65.5%. From the statistical test showed that there is a significant difference between prior knowledge with the extension after extension with value of significancy 0.000 (p <0.05). So we need extension activities on nutritional balance in adolescent girls in every junior and senior high school in order to increase their knowledge in the hope that they can implement the behavior of sound in everyday life so that the nutrition problem when a pregnant woman can be prevented
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