Moh Azka Syahida


The phenomenon of media digitalization due to advances in internet technology now makes independent musicians more willing to market, conceptualize and create their own brands more awake from the side of originality and authenticity. This makes the development and progress in their music process clearer the path, the flow and the process. This study aims to determine the Semarang City Independent Music Industry Marketing Strategy in the Digital Era. The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach, which is looking for or exploring problems from one case to get a comprehensive and in-depth picture of the Marketing Strategy of the Independent Music Industry of Semarang City in the Digital Age in marketing their products or musical works through digital media platforms. The results of this study are the transition of sales to digital content and streaming fees as a new solution for the music industry. This is a new opportunity for musicians today to manage their music industry business independently. The quality of songs and works outside of music such as photography, videography, good quality artwork designs are demands that they must meet to encourage the brand quality of their own products. The demand to be more creative every day becomes their capital to always take the initiative to find new marketing patterns through the content they produce.


Indonesian Music Industry, Integrated Marketing Communication, New Media, Internet Marketing & Digital Platform.

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