Noorjaya Nahan, Vivy Kristinae


This research is the result of classroom learning given to students as a form of self-efficacy in improving skills in the 5.0 era. Entrepreneurship learning becomes a forum for theory and practice that is provided as a service program through entrepreneurial knowledge with current market forces. Based on the Dynamic Capability theory, which states that a business that is managed and based on market forces such as the use of technology, communication and information online can significantly and positively improve online business performance. The research was conducted on 200 students from three generations who had been involved in online entrepreneurship and had returned their capital and were able to stay in business for two years now. The results of the study were analyzed with the SPSS 23.0 program and the results showed that entrepreneurial learning applied with antecedents of market power and self-efficacy was significantly positive by 59.8% improving the online business performance of FEB students of Palangka Raya University. The research implication can be a reference for universities in Indonesia to enrich the broader entrepreneurial learning system and increase the self-efficacy of students in doing business from an early age, so that students are able to compete amidst the turmoil of business competition and the business.


Entrepreneurship Learning, Self Efficacy, Market Power & Online Business Performance

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