Wafiyatu Maslahah, Lutfiatul Uyun


The purposes of this research are, (1) social studies learning at SMP NU Sunan Giri Malang, (2) the impact of learning at SMP NU Sunan Giri Malang. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative method. The results showed that 1.) the social studies learning planning in SMP NU Sunan Giri Malang was still not as expected. Because social studies lessons are still not integrated. The implementation of social studies learning at SMP NU Sunan Giri Malang is still not running properly, due to limited learning resources and media. Inadequate facilities and infrastructure. Evaluation of Social Studies Learning at SMP NU Sunan Giri Malang, the teacher provides oral evaluation and written tests to find out students' understanding of the material that has been delivered. 2.) There is an impact of social studies learning at SMP NU Sunan Giri Malang, namely the social studies teacher education background that is not following the department results in the teaching and learning process not running optimally.


Phenomenology, Learning & IPS

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v15i4.911


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ISSN 1978-3787 (print) | 2615-3505( online)
Published by BINA PATRIA | Email: laloemipa@gmail.com

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