Junaidi Junaidi


The research was conducted in the land of the Faculty of Agriculture, Madako University, Tambun Village, Baolan District, Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi Province with an altitude of 43 meters above sea level with an average temperature of 330C. The study was carried out in August - October 2020 with the aim of research to determine the effectiveness of dosing and the time interval for giving Moringa leaf POC and its interaction on the growth and yield of pulut corn plants. Factor I: The dosage of Moringa leaf POC which consists of 3 levels; K1: 200 ml dose, K2: 400 ml dose, K3: 600 ml dose. Factor II: Time interval for giving Moringa leaf POC consisting of 3 levels; I1: once every 3 days, I2: 7 every day, I3 = once every 9 days. This study consisted of 9 combination treatments and each treatment was repeated 3 times so that it required 27 units of research beds. The results showed that the single factor of moringa leaf POC dosage treatment had a significant effect on the height parameters of pulut maize at the age of 5 MST and 6 MST, weight of fresh weighted cobs, number of seed rows on the cobs and the number of seeds per line on the cob. The best dosage treatment for Moringa leaves POC is 400 ml. The time interval for giving POC of Moringa leaves had a significant effect on the height parameters of pulut maize at 5 MST and 6 MST, weight of fresh cob with weight, number of seed rows on the cobs and the number of seeds per line on the cobs. The best treatment time interval is 7 days. While the interaction of moringa leaf POC dosage treatment with time intervals of administration had no significant effect on the growth and yield of pulut maize.


Pulut maize (Zea mays Ceratina L), Moringa leaves Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC), time interval

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v15i9.1043


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