AA Ngr Oka Suryadinatha G, I Kadek Arya Putra Yasa, AA Istri A Maheswari


Nowadays, every business unit need to improve the operational performance in order to be able to compete with other businesses. One of the important components is the role of human resources, through the implementation of HCM that proper to that business. The purpose of this study was to understanding the implementation of HCM in one of the coffee shop business, namely Bhineka Muda. In this study using qualitative and quantitative data types, using data collection techniques through the interviewing, observation, and documentation. The results of this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of HCM in Bhineka Muda is fairly simple in the concept and implementation. By carrying out the concept of "warung", this business don’t want to make every things complicated in the internal business management and human resource management. It can be seen from several aspects such as the provisions for employee recruitment, training and development methods for employee, the service from employee to customers, division of work fields, and the work shift system.


Human Capital Management & The Implementation of HCM

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