Mustika Setia Mentari Suci, Yeye Susilowati


The study’s direction in to examine and analyzing the impact of profitability (ROA), cash flow, leverage and net working capital towards cash holding on companies in manufacturing industries and listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange 2017-2019 periods. The population of this study is using companies on manufacturing industries and listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange for 2017-2019 period. Based on the specifiedd sample criteria, there were 75 samples of manufacturing companis which were taken by using purposice sampling technique. This research is included in quantitive research with sources of secondary data from company’s yearly annual reports of manufacuring industry through as official website from Indonesian Stock Exchange. Multiple linear regression analysis is used throgh IBM SPSS Statistics software and using 26 version. The findings of the study showed the profitability and leverage has a significant positif effect on cash holding. Meanwhile, cash flow and net working capital have a significant negative effect of cash holding.


Cash Flow, Cash Holding, Leverage, Net Working Capital & Profitability

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