Cok Adithya Wiraputra Yudha, I Nyoman Subanda


This research was conducted to know the Portrait of Ecotourism in Bali Aga, public participation in supporting ecotourism and ecotourism development strategies for the rural area of Bali Aga SCTPB in Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. The data analysis technique used is a qualitative technique with in-depth interview techniques. This study explains that ecotourism owned by Bali Aga SCTPB village is in the form of natural ecotourism and cultural ecotourism. Natural ecotourism in the form of protected forests, waterfalls, plantations and agriculture. Cultural ecotourism owned by SCTPB village is in the form of old houses, sacred dances, traditional ceremonial traditions which are still firmly held by the community. The development of Bali Aga ecotourism cannot be separated from public participation such as the provincial government, district government, village officials, Bumdes, Pokdarwis (tourism awareness groups) and the community. Forms of government support in the field of finance, providing training and assistance in ecotourism management and helping to promote ecotourism. Pokdarwis and Bumdes always work together to create programs that can be developed to realize ecotourism. Ecotourism development strategies that must be carried out are preserving nature, environmental cleanliness, security, preserving culture, customs, and culinary tourism.


Ekowisata, Desa Wisata, Partisipasi Publik, Bali Aga

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