Solihin Solihin, I Putu Budiarta


The Government and the people of Bali was constantly working to maintain the sustainability of tourism development sector.However, natural disasters in the form of the eruption of Mount Agung in the year 2017 has been disrupting the flight. As a result the number of visits wisatan who came to Bali to decrease.This paper discusses the efforts of stakeholders in Bali's tourism recovery due to the eruption of Mount Agung in 2017. This scientific papers was a  result of the kualitaif study. Data was obtained through the techniques of observation, study of documents, and in-depth interviews with nine informants, namely tourism officials, observers and the perpetrators of the Bali tours.Data analysis was conducted by applying the theory of stakeholders, the theory of crisis management.Results of the study indicate that Bali's tourism crisis due to the eruption of Mount Agung 2017 has respond by all parties under  Tourism Office of Provincial of Bali. In the face of Bali's tourism crisis year 2017 has done four steps, namely: tactical revocation of travel warning, promotion of tourism, the movement come to Bali, and disaster mitigation strategy.All parties (stakeholders) who are members of a team of disaster mitigation, including tourist services provide the necessary services for tourists, including providing related information of the eruption of Mount Agung in 2017.They also do a quick evacuation against tourists around Mount Agung to a secure area, community and offender tour strives to create a tourist area of Bali as safe and comfortable so that sustainability pariwidata Bali could be maintained


Efforts Of Stakeholders, Disaster Mitigation, Sustainable Tourism

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v13i4.182


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ISSN 1978-3787 (print) | 2615-3505( online)
Published by BINA PATRIA | Email: laloemipa@gmail.com

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