Lalu Srigede, Siti Zaetun, Erna Kristinawati


Bladder infections are an inflammation that occurs in the bladder. Bladder infections are commonly caused by bacteria. Compared with men, women are more likely to have bladder infections. Masaah to be solved is a picture of urinary tract infections in the community at risk (CSW) around the area of Senggigi and how the public insight about healthy and clean living behavior in the prevention of urinary tract infections in the community at risk (PSK)? Purpose: Pengabmas aims to Improve public understanding about the picture of urinary tract infection at risk society by looking at result of examination of patient's urine (PSK). The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Result : Gram average result of basil (-) as many as 9 people, Coccus (-) as many as 4 people and the rest (2 people) with the results of Diplo Basil (-). On examination of culture showed results of Nesseria gonore positive as many as 5 people, Pseudomonas 1 person and E coli as many as 9 people. This implies that most prostitutes are infected / infected by the urinary tract by germs that endanger the sex of the sex workers. The results obtained are reported to PKM Meninting for follow-up. It is recommended for more targeted personnel to evaluate and monitor the condition of CSWs in the field.


Healthy and clean living behavior, PSK, Urinary tract infection & urine

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v13i10.248


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