Rizqy Amelia Ramadhaniyah Ahmad, Suryadin Hasyda


This study to determine the differences in critical thinking skills between student taught by the POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) model equipped with mind maps and students who are taught conventional methods on the material always save energy for grade IV Oeba 3 Elemantary School, Kupang City.  The study use Quasi-experimental research and post-test only control group design.  Data on the results of critical thinking skills were obtained through tests.  The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques and t-test.  The results of the study obtained tcount = 5.061 and ttable = 4.00 (with a significance level is 5%). It means tcount> ttable, so there is a significant difference in critical thinking skills between students who are taught with the POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) learning model equipped with mind maps and conventional methods.  From the mean score of the post test results, students with critical thinking skills, it is in the very high category with a mean of 72.50 while the control group is moderate category with a mean of 65.56.  It can be concluded that the POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) model equipped with LKS mind maps increases the critical thinking ability of students on the material always saving energy in grade IV ofOeba 3 Elementary School Kupang City


Batugamping, Gorontalo, Kualitas Porositas, Reservoir

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