Baiq Eka Putri Saudia


According to data obtained by indonesia health profile year 2013 for exclusive breastfeeding coverage in indonesia as much as 54.3%, the highest data coverage is west nusa tenggara province as much as 79.74%, but this data is not accompanied by good nutrition data where there are still malnutrition incidence as much as 25,7%, where the nutrient problem happened is the pattern of care and unhealthy behavior. To know the influence of counseling technique of breastfeeding with method of visual aa to knowledge of postpart mother at upt blud puskesmas gunungsari 2018. Research. The type of research used was pre experimental with one group pretest-posttest observational analytic approach with cross sectional approach. the population in this study was the target maternity 1285 people (95.33%), postpartum 1,225 people. the coverage of 952,2% of 95,33% of 95.00% target 95.analysis in the study using spss (statistical posuct and service solution) program by testing the hypothesis using wilcoxon signed rank test (non-parametric test). From samples of breastfeeding mothers in which 30 (100%) of the respondents who were given intervention counseling techniques good and correct breastfeeding increased knowledge level 53.30 with standard deviation worth 80.47. statistic test results show that (ρ = 0.000) or (α = 0.05), so it can be concluded that there is influence of counseling technique of breastfeeding with the method of props to the knowledge of postpartum mother at upt blud puskesmas gunungsari. From the research it was found that the influence of postpartum counseling in good category was 20 (66,7%). this respondent only answer from closed questionnaire questions about the knowledge of breastfeeding techniques, it is expected as health workers to improve the quality of health services, especially on the knowledge of breastfeeding techniques.


Knowledge & Breastfeeding Technique

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