Ni Made Ari Anggita Pradnyawati, Gede Sri Darma


The study, entitled The Road to Non-Cash Transactions, aims to see the benefits and challenges of using non-cash transactions in small businesses. In this study, researchers used interview and documentation techniques. The informants interviewed in this study are people who are expected to master and understand data, information or facts. The data analysis technique in this research is qualitative data analysis. Meanwhile, the data validity lever in this study used the credibility of observations, triangulation of sources, triangulation of techniques, checking of reference adequacy. In this study, it shows that the current digital era has a considerable influence, especially in world transactions that have changed digital, because in fact this was created by humans of course in its implementation there are benefits and challenges, including that (1) In terms of benefits with transactions non-cash users and small business owners who feel safe, efficient, accountable and transparent, practical, prevent fraud, (2) The challenges that must be applied from implementing this non-cash transaction are limited signals, resource problems, lack of community loyalty. So that in this study it can be concluded that the technological revolution that has been growing rapidly in the economic and financial sector, the use of electronic money such as e-money, Go-Pay, or DANA is very crucial in the smooth process of transactions in small businesses. Nowadays, smartphone users are increasing in number, and electronic payment applications are starting to be in great demand by the public. Therefore, the small business workforce must adapt to the technological revolution quickly.


Small Business, Cashless Transactions, Benefits & Challenges

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v15i10.1081


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