Luh Suma Intari, Gede Sri Darma


The e-Procurement policy is one of the e-Government implementations in the context of realizing Good Governance. The research objective was to determine the twists and turns of e-procurement implementation in the new normal era in Buleleng Regency. This is a descriptive qualitative research, which collects data through in-depth interviews with several informants, both key informants and supporting informants. The results of the study explain the twists and turns of the implementation of E-Procurement in the Secta of Buleleng Regency starting in 2012 with several changes that occurred in 2014, 2016, 2017 and the last change occurred in 2018. The implementation of e-Procurement in 2018 experienced quite a maximum change compared to the previous year. The impact of the implementation of e-Procurement in the perspective of Good Governance in the new normal era is that all parties involved in the process of procuring goods / services will maximize the use of e-Procurement. Before and after this pandemic the use of E-Procurement continued smoothly without any obstacles. Only in clarifying it is still difficult because it cannot meet face to face and belief in evidence cannot be accounted for.


implementation of E-Procurement and Good Governance

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